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From David Tighe:

There is no good PLW bibliography online that I could find. Peter's oeuvre is large and complicated. He wrote under his own name and as Hakim Bey, but also anonymously. He wrote scholarly non-fiction, rants, poetry

(and translations of poetry), science fiction, journalism, hoaxes, and inspired prose (or prose poetry) like T.A.Z. and its is scattered over a million zines, anarchist magazines, literary small press publications, academic journals, scifi magazines, etc. His work has been translated into many languages (Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Turkish, Japanese) and no attempt has been made here to catalogue those books. Nor his numerous interviews (except as collected into book form) Nor his vast wealth of uncollected poetry, essays,

etc. What is covered here are book length works and pamphlets. I encourage readers to contact me with corrections, omissions and comments. This is by no means a finished document, but I think it is a useful start. 


Written as Peter Lamborn Wilson


The Winter Calligraphy of Ustad Selim, & Other Poems (1975) (Ipswich, England) 


Science and technology in Islam: An exhibition at the Science Museum, London, 7 April-29 August 1976

(co-authored with Leonard Harrow) (Crescent Moon Press, 1976) 

Divan (Crescent Moon Press, 1978)


Kings of Love: The Poetry and History of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order of Iran

(Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1978)

(with Nasrollah Pourjavady) 


Angels (Pantheon Books, 1980, Thames & Hudson (Abridged version), 2013)


Weaver of Tales: Persian Picture Rugs (Callwey Verlag,1980) (with Karl Schlamminger) bilingual German.


Scandal: Essays in Islamic Heresy (autonomedia, 1988)


The Universe: A Mirror of Itself (Xexoxial Endarchy, 1992, Enemy Combatant, n.d. [2016?]) 


Sacred Drift: Essays on the Margins of Islam (City Lights Books, 1993)

[Soon to be reprinted by autonomedia, 2023]


The Little Book of Angel Wisdom (Elements Books, 1993, 1997)


Pirate Utopias: Moorish Corsairs and European Renegadoes (autonomedia, 1995, 2003)


"Shower of Stars" Dream & Book: The Initiatic Dream in Sufism and Taoism (autonomedia, 1996)

[Soon to be reprinted by autonomedia, 2023]


Escape from the Nineteenth Century and Other Essays (Autonomedia, 1998) 


Ploughing the Clouds: The Search for Irish Soma (City Lights Books, 1999)

[Soon to be reprinted by autonomedia, 2023]


Ayahuasca and Shamanism: Michael Taussig interviewed by Peter Lamborn Wilson

(autonomedia Exit 18 pamphlet series, 2002)


rain queer (Farfalla Press, 2005)


Cross-Dressing in the Anti-Rent War (Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, 2005) 


Gothick Institutions (Xexoxial Editions, 2005)


Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology (Lindisfarne Books, 2007)

(with Christopher Bamford and Kevin Townley)


Atlantis Manifesto (Shivastan Publishing, Woodstock and Kathmandu, 2nd edition, 2009)


Abecedarium (Xexoxial Editions, 2010) 


Ec(o)logues (Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY 2011)


Spiritual Journeys of an Anarchist (autonomedia & Ardent Press, 2014)


riverpeople (Autonomedia, 2014)


Opium Dens I Have Known (Shivastan Publishing, 2014) ( with paintings by Chris Martin)


Non-Juring Episcopalian Luddite Sonnets (Metambesen, 2014) ebook.


Eclogues (Publication Studio, Hudson, NY,2014)


The Old Calendrist: Tracts for Our Time (Enemy Combatant Publications, 2015)

With Robert Kelley, Rachel Pollack, Charles Stein and Kim Spurlock)


Spiritual Destinations of an Anarchist (Autonomedia & Ardent Press, 2015) 


Anarchist Ephemera (Autonomedia & Ardent Press, 2016)


False Documents (Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY 2016)


Heresies: Anarchist Memoirs, Anarchist Art (autonomedia, 2016)


School of Nite (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016) (with art by Nancy Goldring)


Night Market Noodles and Other Tales (autonomedia, 2017)


The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis (autonomedia, 2017)


Vanished Signs (Lunar Chandelier Collective, 2018) 


Lucky Shadows (Xexoxial Editions, 2018) 


The New Nihilism (Bottle of Smoke Press, 2018) 


Hoodoo Metaphysics (Bearpuff Press, Brooklyn, NY, 2018) (with art by Tamara Gonzales)


Utopian Trace: An Oral Presentation (Logosophia, 2019)


The American Revolution as a Gigantic Real Estate Scam: And Other Essays in Lost/Found History (autonomedia, 2019) 


Polyphony (Publication Studio Hudson, 2019) (this essay is collected in False Messiah)


Thibault or the Secrets of the Sea (autonomedia, 2020)


Mohawk Anglican Freemasons (Publication Studio Hudson, 2020)


False Messiah: Crypto-Xtian Tracts and Fragments (Logosophia & autonomedia, 2022)


Peacock Angel: The Esoteric Tradition of the Yezidis (Inner Traditions, 2022)


Conversazione (Autonomedia, 2022) (with Tamaz Panitz and others)




Nasir-I Khusraw: 40 Poems from the Divan (Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1977.

Reprint Shambhala, 1998) (with Gholamreza Aavani)


Heart's Witness: The Sufi Quatrains of Awhaduddin Kirmani (Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1978) (with Bernd Manuel Weischer)


Fakhruddin Iraqi: Divine Flashes (Paulist Press, 1982)


The Drunken Universe: An Anthology of Persian Sufi Poetry (Phanes Press, 1988. Omega Press, 1999)

(with Nasrollah Pourjavady)


Edited volumes

Editor of Vol 1 of the Moorish Science Monitor


Editor of Sophia Perennis: The Bulletin of the Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy (with Hadi Scharifi)


Traditional Modes of Contemplation & Action: A Colloquium held at Rothko Chapel  

(co-edited with Yusuf Ibish) (Imperial Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1977)


Semiotext(e) USA (Autonomedia, 1987) (co-editor, with Jim Fleming) Issue 13 of Semiotext(e) Journal


Semiotext(e) SF(Autonomedia, 1989) (co-editor, with Rudy Rucker and Robert Anton Wilson)

Issue 14 of Semiotext(e) Journal.

Some copies were co-published with AK Press (possibly in 1994)


Unbearables (Autonomedia, 1995) (co-editor with Ron Kolm, bart plantenga, and Mike Golden)


Wild Children (Autonomedia, 1998) (co-editor with Dave Mandl)


Avant Gardening: Ecological Struggle in the City & the World (Autonomedia, 1999)

(co-editor with Bill Weinberg).

[Soon to be reprinted by autonomedia, 2023]


To Dare Imagining: Rojava Revolution (autonomedia, 2016)

(co-editor with Dilar Dirk, David Levi Strauss & Michael Taussig)


The Critique of the Image... Is the Defense of the Imagination (autonomedia, 2020)


As Hakim Bey


Crowstone: The Chronicles of Qamar (1983) (as "Hakim") 


CHAOS: The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchism (Grim Reaper Press, 1985)

This was subsequently reprinted several times and finally included in TAZ.


TAZ: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism (1991, 2003)

Radio Sermonettes (Libertarian Book Club, 1992)


Aimless Wanderings: Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics (Xexoxial Endarchy, 1993) included into the second edition of TAZ


Immediatism (AK Press, 1994)


Millennium (autonomedia & Garden of Delight, 1996)


Orgies of the Hemp Eaters (autonomedia, 2004) (co-editor with Abel Zug)


Black Fez Manifesto (autonomedia, 2008)




Hieroglyphica (Autonomedia Exit 18 Pamphlet Series, 2002)


Visit Port Watson (No Quarter Pamphlet Series, nd [2015?]) Originally published anonymously in Semiotext(e) SF. PLW acknowledged authorship in False Documents where it is collected.


The Boreal Crown and the Downfall of Civilization (Enemy Combatant, nd [2016?])

(3 essays about Charles Fourier. One by Don LaCoss,

The Lemonade Ocean & Modern Times: A Position Paper by Hakim Bey, and the anon. title essay.

PLW identified himself to me as the author in personal communication)


Lost Books


Hunter's Moon, a science fiction novel is mentioned in PLW's bio in Tarot Tales. PLW told me that the novel existed but he knows of no existing copies of the manuscript. Why did I not ask him for a plot summary?


Autobiography of Roloff Beny. PLW told me that he was paid to ghost-write an autobiography of Canadian photographer Roloff Beny. The book was finished but never published. No copies are known to exist.


Unpublished books


Harry Smith: Cosmographies, Selected Lectures from Naropa Institute, 1988-1990

edited (with Raymond Foye). Introduction by Peter Wilson and Afterword by Charles Stein.

The book is finished and publication is pending.


Neanderthal Liberation Front. Poetry, prose, and manifestoes.

Meditations on society before the state. In preparation.


Collected Poems (edited by Raymond Foye). In preparation.


Mercurius: Essays on Occult Subjects. In preparation.


Drifting in the Driftless: Psychotopology of the Wisconsin Driftless Region and the Effigy Mounds

with Some Excursions into the Intuitive Art and Concrete Grottos of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Unpublished work from 1994 on Xexorial Endarky

Other Important books 


Books that contain major and otherwise uncollected work or that discuss PLW.


Ron Sakolsky & James Koehnline (eds.) - Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture (Autonomedia, 1993) Contains Caliban's Masque: Spiritual Anarchism and the Wildman in Colonial America, and Lost Ancestors: An Introduction to Pooch Van Dunk. Also Hugo Prosper Leaming's The Ben Ishmael Tribe: Fugitive Nation of the Old Northwest, James Koehnline's Legend of the Great Dismal Maroons,

and many other fine essays. 


Ron Sakolsky - Sounding Off! Music As Subversion/Resistance/Revolution (Autonomedia, 1995)

Contains Hakim Bey - Utopian Blues


Anne Waldman & Lisa Birman(eds.) - Civil Disobediences: Poetics and Politics in Action

(Coffee House Press, 2004) Contains Hieroglyphics & Money


John Zorn (ed.) - Arcana V: Music Magic Mysticism (Hips Road, 2010) Contains The Perspectival Lute.


David Fideler - Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Traditions 3 (Phanes Press, 1995) Contains Speaking in Hieroglyphics.


Three science fiction stories not collected in False Documents can be found here: 

1.) Ecstatic Incisions: The Collages of Freddie Baer (AK Press, 1992)

Contains a preface by PLW and Hakim Bey - Moon Piece: The Monologues.


2.) Rachel Pollack & Caitlin Matthews (eds.) - Tarot Tales (Ace Books, 1989)

Contains Cave Pirates of the Hollow Earth.


3.) John Clute, David Pringle, and Simon Ounsley (eds.) - Interzone: The 3rd Anthology

(New English Library, 1989) Contains Fountain of Time.


Joseph Matheny - Ong's Hat: The Beginning (Sky Books, 2002) Contains Incunabula and Ong's Hat: Gateways to New Dimensions written by PLW under the pseudonym Emory Cranston (Wilson's grandparent's family names). Both texts are collected in False Documents.  Joseph Matheny's contributions to the Ong's Hat material (along with Nick Herbert). Also a preface by Peter Moon trying to tie Ong's Hat into the Montauk Project conspiracy theory. There is a later edition self-published by Matheny. The tangled synopsis and cult history of Ong's Hat can be found at, and the site contains an interview with Wilson (as Emory Cranston).


Peter Moon - Synchronicity and the Seventh Seal (Sky Books, 2004) After the Ong's Hat book, Joseph Matheny was supposed to collaborate with Moon on a book tying Ong's Hat to Montauk. They had some kind of falling out and Moon wrote this book. Several chapters deal with meeting PLW, Ong's Hat and the Moorish Orthodox Church. Chapters 19 ("Born of Lam"), 20 ("Incunabula and Ong's Hat"), 30 ("The Bottle"), 34 ("The Road to Ong's Hat"), 35 ("Noble Drew Ali"), 41 ("Emory Cranston") and 52 ("Revelation") are all relevant, but there isn't much there. Well worth picking up for $1 in a thrift store. Otherwise, you can probably live without reading this book.

Jacob Rabinowitz - Blame it on Blake: A Memoir of Dead Languages, Gender Vagrancy, Burroughs, Ginsberg, Corso & Carr(2019) Rabinowitz's memoir contains a lot of information about his days as editor of the Moorish Science Monitor and friendship with Peter. The rest of the book is good too.



Peter Lamborn Wilson Audio Recordings 

Commercial recordings


Hakim Bey - TAZ cd (Axiom, 1994) Features Peter reading texts from TAZ and Immediatism,

produced by Bill Laswell, with music performed by Laswell, Wu Man, Nicky Skopelitus, and Buckethead.

Cover art by James Koehnline and photography by Ira Cohen. 


Hashisheen: The End of Law cd (Subrosa,1998) Texts assembled by PLW. Readings by Hakim Bey, William S. Burroughs, Ira Cohen, Genesis P. Orridge. Soundtrack composed by Bill Laswell.  Produced by Janet Rienstra.


T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone: A night of ontological anarchy and poetic terrorism. Featuring Hakim Bey, Robert Anton Wilson, Joseph Matheny, Rob Breszny, and Nick Herbert  2cd (Original Falcon Press, 2010)


Peter Lamborn Wilson - Ec(o)logues - cassette (Sloow Tapes, 2012)


Peter was a long time friend of Bill Laswell. He provided reading for another Laswell produced cd: Myth: Dreams of the World. Peter reads Zeus, King of the Universe. He wrote the notes for Laswell releases City

of Lights (Subrosa, 1997)  and Praxis – Transmutation (Mutatis Mutandis) (Axiom, 1992) References to

and samples of PLW appear in several places in Laswell's work. As do appearances by Peter's associates

Ira Cohen and James Koehnline.


PLW/Hakim Bey turns up on various other recordings. With Sue Anne Harkey on the soundtrack to Ron Sakolsky's book Sounding Off! Music As Subversion/Resistance/Revolution (Autonomedia, 1995), on several Coil tracks, on 10% File Under Burroughs, and many different compilations. Hakim Bey wrote the liner notes for Broken Hearted Dragonflies: Insect Electronica From Southeast Asia (Sublime Frequencies, 2004)


Peter Lamborn Wilson audio archives


The Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade ( was on WBAI in New York from 1987-2011 and hosted originally by Peter Lamborn Wilson and then by a collective featuring Wilson, Bill Weinberg and Ann-Marie Hendrickson. It was preceded by several radio specials in the 1960s, and followed by episodes of MORC in exile that Bill Weinberg did on YouTube, and later a related podcast. My period of listening was 2006-2011, which was 90% Bill Weinberg hosting, with Ann-Marie co-hosting occasionally or hosting solo. Anyone in need of that period of MORC should get in touch because I have copies and they are not hosted on the MORC archive. MORC's content shifted over time but included the zine scene of the 80s, spiritual anarchism, Wilson's travels and adventures, anarchist politics, and various forms of cultural radicalism. It always had great music that you were not likely to hear anywhere else. There was a lot of coverage of struggle in New York City, the former Eastern Bloc, and later Latin America where Bill was travelling to do journalism. By this time the slogan was: “Anarchism for the global city, radical environmentalism for the concrete jungle, esoteric explorations of the secret history of rebel culture”.  Topics over the years have included: Fuck the Police State!, The Electoral Farce, Narco-Maoism and Narco-Fascism in Peru, The Bogomils, Amazon Shamanism in the New World Order, Peter Reads His Mail, Thoughts on the Common Toad, Mermaids & Mexico, The Ambivalent Legacy of Murray Bookchin, Universal Rent Strike, Ancient Irish Mysteries, For the Independent City-State of New York!, Ottoman Mayday, City of Lights: Hakim Bey's Tales of Benares, Washitaw: American Captive Nation, From Nubia to Louisiana, Moorish Orthodoxy Explained, Voices of the Amazigh, Irish Orientalism, Moorish Mysteries of Southern Italy, Secret History of the Border Blasters, Anti-Zionism & Jewish Liberation, and so on. Christian Greer has been kind enough to take up the huge task of archiving the show, along with issues of the Moorish Science Monitor, Popular Reality, Trannies In Love, Factsheet Five, and Gnosis Magazine. Many early episodes are on the archive, with more to come I hope. There is also a batch of episode that Christian put here ( before the archive existed. Bill Weinberg has hosted a page for the show for years, and it has a complete list of the shows from 1992-2011 as well as other information. ( His current podcast, The Countervortex, is here ( Ann-Marie Hendrickson has a recent podcast too: Mansion for a Rat ( Both worth a listen. There are also a bunch of additional MORC episodes digitized by the Columbia Oral History Archive (

The easiest way to find them is through a link at ( the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade

there are several major archives of Peter Lamborn Wilson audio material. The Penn Sound Archive ( hosts a series of recordings that Chris Funkhouser did in 2015 of Peter reading from a manuscript of then unpublished poems. Some of these poems have been collected in Lucky Shadows (Xexoxial Editions, 2018), Vanished Signs (Lunar Chandelier, 2018), and Thibault or the Secrets of the Sea (Autonomedia, 2020) It amounts to around 9 hours of recordings. There is also a 2019 recording of the entirety of the book Hoodoo Metaphysics. For a long time I have been aware of the Naropa Poetics Audio Archives  at (, this contains 26 recordings of Peter giving lectures.

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